The Animal Ark

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

So, Skeeter was introduced to his new home two Sundays ago. Kenneth picked him up from Tmn Tun and brought him over. Tori must have been like... "Ooooh *pant* *pant* oh yes oh *pant*... another dog.... wait *pant* *pant* a minute, THAT'S a dog? I am much more beautiful than THAT. Oooh *pant* *pant* he's a male. Hmmm... *pant* *pant* must show him who's boss around here."

And thus she began humping him. Her reign continues. Without doubt. Queen Tori.

Don't panic everyone. No we are not promoting gender reversals (although he is acting a little efemminate since he got snipped), and no, there isn't a breakthrough in science in dogs where the male can conceive. Dogs just do that.

So in the course of the week, Skeeter the blur beagle has learnt to run out of the gate when the opportunity arises, claimed his space by the television, has made enemies with all the other male dogs in the neighbourhood and has learnt to slide open the grill with his head. What an oxymoronic dog! He's blur but he's smart but he's blur but he's smart but...

Let's see if I get tangled in their leashes again when I take them for a walk this evening...

Woof woof miaow! Hiss!
Ze Biatch


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